The metaverse refers to a virtual world or a network of virtual worlds that exist in a parallel digital space to the physical world. It typically includes immersive and interactive experiences, allowing users to interact with each other and with virtual objects and environments. The metaverse is often viewed as the next step in the evolution of the internet and has the potential to transform many aspects of our daily lives, including entertainment, communication, commerce, and education.

Have you ever wondered about how to manifest your own world in metaverse with unique storytelling? Here is a short summary of how to get started. It involves the following basic steps:

Define your concept: First step you should start by defining the concept and setting of your metaverse. What kind of world do you want to create? What is the overarching narrative or story? Make it exciting and one of a kind.
Choose a platform: Now second step its time to select a metaverse platform that best fits your needs and has the tools to bring your vision to life. Some popular platforms include Decentraland, The Sandbox, and Somnium Space. I will make a deep dive into a list of the top 10 platforms available in another post so make sure to subscribe to my channel. 
Plan out your world: Third step is to create a detailed plan for your metaverse, including the geography, architecture, characters, and events. Think about how you can integrate your story into the environment and make it come to life. 
Build your world:  As a fourth step use the tools provided by the platform to build your virtual world. This includes creating the terrain, designing buildings and structures, and adding interactivity. 
Add narrative elements: The fifth step is to integrate your story into the world by adding narrative elements such as dialogue, cutscenes, quests, and events. 
Engage your community: Encourage users to explore and participate in your metaverse as a sixth step, by offering incentives and encouraging social interactions. This will help build a sense of community and bring your story to life. 
Monitor and update: Lastly as a seventh step you must continuously monitor and update your metaverse to ensure it stays fresh and relevant. Keep your community engaged by adding new content, events, and updates to the story. By following these steps, you can create a unique and immersive metaverse of your own with a captivating story that draws users in and keeps them engaged.


Before you start its time for Creative Brainstorming.  I find this part the must fun while building my own magical domain called milajki. Lets go on an inspirational journey together while exploring my top three platforms.




Decentraland is a popular metaverse platform that provides users with the tools to create and monetize their own virtual worlds. Here are some of the pros and cons of using Decentraland for building a metaverse with storytelling.



Open-source and decentralized: Decentraland is built on the Ethereum blockchain, making it an open and decentralized platform that allows for more creative freedom and control.

Customizable: The platform provides users with a range of customization options, allowing them to build and design their own unique metaverse.
Monetization opportunities: Decentraland offers users the opportunity to monetize their virtual worlds by creating and selling virtual real estate, digital assets, and experiences.
Large and growing community: Decentraland has a large and growing community of developers and users, making it easier to find collaborators and reach a wider audience.



Technical barriers: Building and maintaining a metaverse on Decentraland requires technical skills and knowledge, which may be a barrier for some users.

Steep learning curve: The platform has a steep learning curve, and users may need to invest time and resources to get up to speed with the tools and technologies.
Limited scalability: Decentraland is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which can result in scalability issues and slow performance during periods of high demand.
Competition: With a growing number of users and developers, the competition for attention and monetization opportunities in Decentraland can be high.


In summary, Decentraland offers a range of opportunities for building and monetizing a metaverse with storytelling. However, users need to be aware of the technical barriers and competition involved in building and maintaining a successful metaverse on the platform.






The Sandbox is a popular metaverse platform that allows users to create and monetize their own virtual worlds and games. Here are some of the pros and cons of using The Sandbox for building a metaverse with storytelling.



User-friendly interface: The Sandbox provides users with a user-friendly interface and intuitive tools, making it easy to create and design virtual worlds and games.

Monetization opportunities: The Sandbox offers users the opportunity to monetize their virtual worlds and games by selling virtual real estate, digital assets, and experiences.
Large community: The Sandbox has a large and growing community of developers and users, making it easier to find collaborators and reach a wider audience.
Game development: The platform provides users with the tools to create games and experiences within their virtual worlds, adding another dimension to the storytelling possibilities.



Limited customization: The Sandbox provides users with limited customization options compared to other metaverse platforms.

Centralized control: The Sandbox is a centralized platform, which means that the company has control over the platform and can make changes that may not be in line with the users' interests.
Limited scalability: The Sandbox is built on proprietary technology, which may result in scalability issues and slow performance during periods of high demand.
Competition: With a growing number of users and developers, the competition for attention and monetization opportunities in The Sandbox can be high.


In summary, The Sandbox offers a user-friendly and accessible platform for building and monetizing virtual worlds and games. However, users need to be aware of the limitations in customization options and the centralized control of the platform.





Somnium Space is a decentralized metaverse platform that allows users to create and monetize their own virtual worlds and experiences. Here are some of the pros and cons of using Somnium Space for building a metaverse with storytelling:


Decentralized platform: Somnium Space is built on the Ethereum blockchain, making it a decentralized platform that allows for more creative freedom and control.
Customizable: The platform provides users with a range of customization options, allowing them to build and design their own unique metaverse.
Monetization opportunities: Somnium Space offers users the opportunity to monetize their virtual worlds by creating and selling virtual real estate, digital assets, and experiences.
High-quality graphics: The platform provides users with high-quality graphics and immersive experiences, making it easier to create engaging and captivating stories.



Technical barriers: Building and maintaining a metaverse on Somnium Space requires technical skills and knowledge, which may be a barrier for some users.

Steep learning curve: The platform has a steep learning curve, and users may need to invest time and resources to get up to speed with the tools and technologies.
Limited scalability: Somnium Space is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which can result in scalability issues and slow performance during periods of high demand.
Competition: With a growing number of users and developers, the competition for attention and monetization opportunities in Somnium Space can be high.


In summary, Somnium Space offers a range of opportunities for building and monetizing a metaverse with storytelling. However, users need to be aware of the technical barriers and competition involved in building and maintaining a successful metaverse on the platform.


Ultimately, the best platform for you will depend on your specific goals and priorities, so you may want to consider trying out a few different platforms before making a final decision.  If you value a decentralized platform with more creative freedom and control, you may want to consider Somnium Space. However, if you are not comfortable with technical skills and have a limited budget, you may want to consider The Sandbox, which has a more user-friendly interface and offers monetization opportunities.You may also want to consider other factors such as the size of the community, the quality of graphics and immersive experiences, the availability of tools and customization options, and the level of competition.


Extra Rainbow Sparkles upon You! 💝📣🦄💦🌈💖✨💎🎟️
By OH!riginal OH!dd Storyteller & Creative Artist
Angelina Mi Lajki


milajki domain

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