All content taken by the milajki Style FactOH!ry experience of its visitors is the property of milajki.

All captured content of the milajki Style FactOH!ry posted publicly, by outside persons, is released to milajki for public use.

Any commercial or product shoots, press interviews, media shoots, and all professional video equipment is strictly prohibited without advance approval and accompaniment by a milajki Style FactOH!ry representative. For all commercial requests please contact hello@milajki.com before your visit. An official application needs to be submitted beforehand for review by milajki. Include your company contact information along with any brand name, VAT number, brief mission statement information, links to websites and social media, purpose of campaign, and use of platforms for publications, along with a timeline of usage. We will reply within a timely manner and let you know about how to proceed, including a term sheet contract and commercial pricing quotation.

Note* the milajki pop up experience includes all branded events such as milajki selfie museums, retail arcades, and hotel rooms.
For questions, please email support hello@milajki.com

milajki reserves the right to change the terms and policies at any time.